RED, Inc. Communication - Credibility

Our Goal: Produce Quality Products and Achieve Customer Satisfaction 

”RED Inc. provided professional and careful editing of the text through the entire duration. They accommodated and supported the significant changes to the document and provided key graphics support and improvements that greatly improved the final publication. 

Very responsive to quick turnaround. 

Red Inc. completed the first draft on time and schedule in a very efficient manner. 

Red Inc. formatted, organized, and refined graphics and tables. The contributors where primarily non-English speaking authors and required significant assistance and guidance in completing their sections.”

Cover Image of EBR II Document

EBR-II, Experimental Breeder Reactor-II

Image of the JFSP Report Cover

Five-Year Program Review

Kings Mountain Cover Document

Kings Mountain National Military Park

Image of Finished Documents

South Florida and Caribbean Parks

Image of Front Cover and Inside Page

Western Expansion Pipeline III Project


Small Business Success Story

2019 (Region 10) SBA Small Business Subcontractor of the Year

"Perfect.  This is excellent.  I appreciate you patience with me.  Sometime it takes some time to get the "rock" rendered. " 


"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the great work that Kristyn St. Clair has done/is doing for a big S&T meeting next week. She's been very responsive and helpful. 

The printed agenda and bio booklets that she put together for us look fantastic, and everyone has commented on how professional they look. This is an important meeting for INL S&T, and this reflects well upon the lab.

I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate her efforts, and the great work she's done to help INL  staff and leadership shine at this meeting."




My boss was very impressed with your work. Thank you very much."


INL Customer

Red Inc. is very accommodating to meeting on site with SNL when requested by SNL staff and never holds up our process. They are always accessible via email or phone.”

“Very prompt and very professional responses available even at late hours. We are very satisfied with the quality and price of the work.”


Red Inc. produced outstanding service and quality of products during the assessment period, meeting all and exceeding many of the requirements as stated in the contract. During this period of performance, along with continued maintenance our intra/internet web pages Red Inc. improved the usability and functionality of multiple electronic web-based tools.Red Inc. made significant improvements to the overall internal web page designand layout.

Red Inc. graphic services continually allowed the region to produce professional high quality products used internally and in public venues.  Red Inc. provided services on over 75 independent efforts. Red Inc also worked with the Regional Administrator and his staff to develop the 86-page Northwest/Arctic Region Sustainability and Economic Impacts of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Projects Report. The first of it’s kind within the Agency, Red Inc. designed the report layout, and it’s Executive Summary, in a manner that allowed the information to be easily read and understood. 

We constantly receive positive feedback from our clients about how well Red supporting them and their requirements.